Robotic Materials

Crystallography of γ’-Fe4N formation in single-crystalline α-Fe whiskers




Author(s): Schumann, Helge and Richter, Gunther and Leineweber, Andreas
Journal: Journal of Applied Crystallography
Volume: 53
Number (issue): 4
Pages: 865--879
Year: 2020
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography

Department(s): CSF Materials
Bibtex Type: Article (article)

Address: Oxford, England
DOI: 10.1107/S1600576720005981
Language: eng


  title = {Crystallography of $\gamma$\textquotesingle-Fe4N formation in single-crystalline $\alpha$-Fe whiskers},
  author = {Schumann, Helge and Richter, Gunther and Leineweber, Andreas},
  journal = {Journal of Applied Crystallography},
  volume = {53},
  number = {4},
  pages = {865--879},
  publisher = {Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography},
  address = {Oxford, England},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {10.1107/S1600576720005981}