Robotic Materials

Beyond dealloying: development of nanoporous gold via metal-induced crystallization and its electrochemical properties




Author(s): Zhang, An and Wang, Jiangyong and Schützendübe, Peter and Liang, Hongyan and Huang, Yuan and Wang, Zumin
Journal: Nanotechnology
Volume: 30
Number (issue): 37
Pages: 375601
Year: 2019
Publisher: IOP Pub.

Department(s): CSF Materials
Bibtex Type: Article (article)

Address: Bristol, UK
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab2616
Language: eng


  title = {Beyond dealloying: development of nanoporous gold via metal-induced crystallization and its electrochemical properties},
  author = {Zhang, An and Wang, Jiangyong and Sch{\"u}tzend{\"u}be, Peter and Liang, Hongyan and Huang, Yuan and Wang, Zumin},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = {30},
  number = {37},
  pages = {375601},
  publisher = {IOP Pub.},
  address = {Bristol, UK},
  year = {2019},
  doi = {10.1088/1361-6528/ab2616}