Robotic Materials
Electrohydraulic arachno-bot a fascinating lightweight
SES joints can be combined to create different types of robotic structures such as a four-legged robot that looks like a spider

Electrohydraulic arachno-bot a fascinating lightweight

Fast and efficient nature-inspired joints power robotic systems

Goodbye, bulky components and connectors: A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany and at the University of Colorado Boulder in the US has now found a new way to exploit the principles of spiders’ joints to create lightweight robots.

hasel Christoph Keplinger artificial muscle SES joints Advanced Science University of Colorado Boulder arachno-bot


pi rm Christoph Keplinger
Christoph Keplinger
Managing Director
rm Philipp Rothemund
Philipp Rothemund
Tenure track professor University of Stuttgart
Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer